Crystal -owls

Boost Energies with the Best Natural Crystals Owl

Staying positive in life is often hard to achieve as it is always a tug-of-war between positive and negative energies. Positive energies bring good things into our lives, while negative energies harm and affect our lives in many ways. Across civilizations and generations, humans have always turned to healing crystals to be free from the effects of negative energies and lead a better life.

People in the olden days used gemstones in their natural form, but now we use healing stones and their products. This makes carrying or placing them where we want them to work their magic easier. One such product you can buy from Peacefful Intentions to transform the energies of your personal space and home is Crystal Owl.

Crystal Owl

Natural crystal products come in several types, sizes, and shapes. You can choose from various devices from pyramids, necklaces, turtles, and owls from Peacefful Intentions. Crystal owls manifest the spiritual meaning of owls - abundance and prosperity. 

Crystal Owls negate the harmful effects of negative energy, absorb the negative energies, convert them into positive energy, and release them back into our surroundings. They also help attract growth and abundance to our lives and aid growth in our profession. We have an amazing collection of Crystal Owls made with the best healing stones at Peacefful Intentions, and you can browse them here. One among these is the Turquoise, Citrine and Lapis Crystal Resin Owl.

Energy Boosting Crystal Owl

Behold a visually captivating crystal owl primed to usher in amazing healing benefits to our lives - the Turquoise, Citrine and Lapis Crystal Resin Owl. Apart from being spiritually meaningful, this crystal owl boosts the energies of any space and ideally serves as a focal point for meditation and spiritual practice. This natural crystals owl is made of the following components:

Genuine Gemstones

This crystal owl contains three unique and amazing gemstones that are known for delivering the best healing benefits. The healing crystals include Turquoise, Citrine,  and Lapis Lazuli. This unique combination brings a harmony of energies that bring positive changes.

Turquoise helps promote tranquility and protects the wearer from all evil and negative energies. Citrine, a yellow-hued stone, attracts abundance and prosperity into our lives. It also helps us be confident. Lapis Lazuli is a royal blue healing stone that opens the all-seeing Third Eye Chakras. It helps with better and more honest communication with others.


Natural crystal start losing their ability to generate positive energies the more they absorb negative energy. You may have noticed that most orgonite devices contain resin. The role of resin is to preserve the gemstone. It serves as a protective layer and helps the gemstones to absorb negative energies. Resin also helps provide a stable and durable base for the gemstone product. 

The energy-boosting crystal owl can be placed anywhere you spend more time. You can place this healing crystal owl in your bedroom, personal office, or study desk. 

Do you wish to add this product to your gemstone product collection? Then visit Peacefful Intentions online store. This crystal owl is available for just 18.99 USD. you can also choose from a variety of healing stone products at the best prices and get them delivered to your doorstep. Shop now!
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