Bring Home the Aquamarine Crystal Pyramid
Orgone energy pyramids have a special place among collectors of orgone devices. They are one of the most powerful orgone devices because they are made of gemstones, metal shavings, and other materials that generate positive energy. Another factor contributing to the popularity of orgonite pyramids is that they can be made at home by oneself. Here is a guide by Peacefful Intentions on how to make an orgone pyramid.
Every crystal pyramid offers some amazing benefits that are directly associated with the gemstones used in the pyramid. From the transparent Clear Quartz to the stylish Aquamarine, Lapis, Tiger’s Eye, and the lot, gemstones are well known for absorbing negative energies and purifying our surroundings. Each gemstone has its own properties like healing specific chakras, bringing good fortune, and protecting the wearers, among others.
Today, let Peacefful Intentions introduce you to one of our special orgone pyramids - the Aquamarine Moonstone Nubian Tree of Life Orgonite Pyramid.
Aquamarine Moonstone Nubian Tree of Life Orgonite Pyramid
We all know about the Great Pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the world. However, there are lesser-known pyramids that were built around a millennia after the Egyptian pyramids and they are the Nubian Pyramids. Compared to the pyramids at Giza, the Nubian pyramids are smaller and with steeper sides. The Aquamarine Moonstone Nubian Tree of Life Orgonite Pyramid follows the shape of Nubian pyramids, making it stand out from the rest of the orgone energy pyramids.
The popularity of this orgonite pyramid is not only because of its unique shape but also thanks to the different materials that it is made of. Now, it is time to take a look at them.
Aquamarine CrystalsThis Nubian crystal pyramid primarily consists of two gemstones among which one is Aquamarine. Aquamarine is a blue-hued gemstone that represents the calmness of the ocean. Associated with the Throat chakra, this gemstone helps us speak the truth always and improve our communication with others. This orgonite pyramid provides us relief from grief and soothes us. Aquamarine is also well-known for its protective and healing abilities. This gemstone also provides us with inner strength and courage.
Moonstone GemstonesThe other gemstone that this Nubian orgone energy pyramid has is Moonstone. Moonstone is a widely popular gemstone known for its chakra healing properties. In fact, this amazing gemstone can heal and balance the Third Eye and the Crown Chakras, the two most important chakras in our body. These chakras connect us to a higher consciousness and with other living beings around us. Moonstone is also known to attract good fortune and instill self-confidence in us.
Clear Quartz PointClear Quartz is a gemstone known for its ability to heal the Crown chakra and connect us with the divine. It brings clarity to the mind and helps us focus. The Clear Quartz point in this orgone pyramid helps our mind to stay focused and brings clarity to the mind.
This crystal pyramid also contains the Tree of Life symbol which symbolizes all aspects of life and the connection between heaven, the earth, and eternal life.
As a powerful orgone device, the Aquamarine Moonstone Nubian Tree of Life Orgonite Pyramid is a must-have for all who want positive changes in their life. Buy this from Peacefful Intentions at just USD 24.99 and experience better transformations in your life.